Bear in mind the Defend Your Castle arrives to WiiWare on the cheap - 500 WIi Points or $5, to be precise, which puts it firmly on the lower end of the price scale compared to many of other currently available titles. TrayTip("Demolition Lab built","One convert will be held in reserve for your use as a bomber",5)Įdit: forgot to mention.this works on Vista too, but you have to compile it and change compatability on that executable to disable desktop composition, or it will run sllllllloooooooo) $Form1 = GUICreate ( "", 560, 410, - 1, - 1 ) $GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj ( $oGame, 5, 5, 550, 400 ) GUISetState ( ) With $oGame. TrayTip("Archery range built","Available converted units will be trained into archers",5) TrayTip("Temple built","Units will now be converted whenever possible",5) MouseClick("left",$Coord,$Coord) build archer, no matter how tall the castle If WinActive("XGen Studios - Online Flash Games - Defend Your Castle","") AND Not _IsPressed("11") Then

Let me know if you enjoy it- I'd love to hear itĭllcall($dll,"int","DwmEnableComposition","dword","DWM_EC_DISABLECOMPOSITION") Note that if you buy things like a temple or archery range then later on die and restart the game, you should restart the bot or it will assume it's still the same game and that you've still got whatever you bought last game.so it would try and drop guys in the castle when you don't have a temple, for instance. Also, since holding the Ctrl key overrides all movement, you could hold that button and do whatever you need with your mouse
The 'p' button pauses the game, so when you do that, the script will hold until the game starts again, but also you could press the windows key or alt+tab to switch window focus away from the game and the script will stop moving your mouse. The script will run only as long as the game is active and running, so to access the tray icon (thereby killing or pausing the script) just change one of those conditions. changing the coordinates to reflect client area coords, rather than window coords. allow tray icon menu access to the vars telling the script if archery, temple, etc is built (I didn't play enough to get into this- I did a little with the demo guys, but none with the wizards) figure out a logical formula for splitting converts between wizards, builders and archers, etc. moving the 'completed convert' search region to the right so that after you have a temple it always leaves one convert in reserve (useful for someone who wanted to make the demolition guys) adding a override hotkey (for instance, hold space to disable all automatic movements so you can take control for a moment) If you wanted to develop the script further, I'd recommend: I've only used it on IE7.0 and it only works at the site whose URL is in the script. It's extremely unlikely that I'll ever touch it again. You may use this script, modify it, whatever, but I'm done with it. I know someone's going to ask me to add this or that to this.let me be clear. I didn't try it with upgraded walls.I'm sure you could get far beyond that level. It works pretty well, it'll get you to level 14 without ANY wall upgrades (just buy the temple and archery range when you can and it'll know what to do).

But I thought it might be an interesting challenge to bot. The game is OK, about a 30-minute time waster for me before I got sick of it. I'd never do this for a multiplayer game, but it's not hurting anyone to bot a one-player game!Īnyway, I needed something to occupy my mind this Friday afternoon, and since I'd recently heard of Defend your Castle through the Wii, I though I'd check it out. Holding the Ctrl key overrides the script, allowing you easy access to your bombers Well, I lied.I found enough things I wanted to do that I released this one new update!