Place either your Silverballer or the gun you took off the guard downstairs just inside the door. Observe the Alarm Clock Radio on the book shelf, and the body crate on the other side of the room. Shimmy across and climb up as soon as it gives you the prompt, then jump up to the next ledge above you and climb in through the open window. Immediately run to the corner of the alley and climb up the pipe to the very top. Option 1: Lure out the nearest guard with a coin, stash him in the crate in the alley, and take his gun (recommended).Option 2: Don't bother with the guard and just wait for him to turn around (risky). There is a set of double doors on the opposite side of the alley of the wooden crate, those doors are at the base of the main tower. You will ALMOST get spotted a bunch of times, but don't panic, just keep moving into the alleyway and get into cover as soon as possible behind the wooden crate near the end of the alley. Head through the doors on your left (the Helipad) and carefully, using everything as cover, crouch-run across this area toward the alley between the Warehouse and the main tower (if you can't visualize this, you'll just need to familiarize yourself with the area).

Immediately turn around and move behind the stacked furniture, then look for the Surveillance System, and shoot it. You're in an underground area and there is a ladder in front of you. Pass through this area into a hallway which is a Trespassing zone, and turn right, then turn left at the end. Run past the tour group and up the stairs, following the path into the main area, and turn left, following the carpet up the hill and into the ceremony area, beyond the fire pit and through a small side area where an Initiate is talking about coins. You don't even have to leave your starting position to get both kills.Įquipment: Silenced Pistol, Lethal Syringe (optional), Coins (optional) Sniper Assassin on this mission literally could not be easier. The change they made to Trespassing just really destroys the difficulty. This is actually one of the easiest missions to do SA/SO and Sniper Assassin on, believe it or not. Here's the usual preamble… there are many ways blah blah blah… open to suggestions for making this even easier but not interested in speed runner tricks as the point of my guides are to create methods that MOST Hitman players of nearly any skill level can do confidently… constructive criticism appreciated, toxic/trolling/arrogant attitudes are not.